Minor Ailment Service
The Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS) and the minor ailment scheme operates in Fartown, Bradley and Birkby areas of Huddersfield. You can opt to see your local pharmacist instead of your nurse/GP. You can use this service if you have any of the following conditions below:-
Athletes foot Conjunctivitis Constipation Cold sores Cough Diarrhoea Haemorrhoids Hay fever Headache Earache Temperature |
Dental pain Sprains Indigestion Insect bites and stings Mouth ulcers Nappy rash Nasal congestion Pruritus Sore throat Threadworm Thrush |
If after consultation with the community pharmacist you require any medication these may be provided for free if eligible under the minor illness service which is different from the minor ailment or CPCS scheme. You will only receive medicines if they are absolutely necessary.